Comprehensive care for complex problems

Cartilage Injuries

Cartilage is a unique tissue in the body. It has less blood supply than other structures and that makes healing on its own very difficult. There are several techniques to restore cartilage function. Weight management, gentle exercises, avoiding impact all help in the long run. Other options include injections such as viscosupplementation, cortisone, stem cells and platelet rich plasma injections. Physical therapy for muscle balance, range of motion and strengthening is one of the main stays of treatment. Finally, surgical options such as cartilage allograft, mosaicplasty, cartilage allograft transfer help in select patients. Osteotomies (where you cut and realign the bone) is more invasive but does have good 5 to 10 year results in the right patient. Dr Kalra is uniquely trained in several of these procedures and has been performing them for over a decade.

ACL and Multiligamentous Injuries

ACL tear is a common injury that is seen usually in sports. Twisting and pivoting of the knee is the most common cause. Typically seen in football, basketball and soccer players but can happen in any scenario that involves sudden change in direction. The ligament is one of the most important ligaments around the knee and many surgeons will recommend surgery to restore the anatomy and to be able to resume sports. In select patients, non-operative management with physical therapy, functional ACL brace and observation, is also appropriate.